65th Infantry Veterans Park

65th Infantry Veterans Park

This park was dedicated in 2011 with the recognition that Osceola County is home to many of the Borinqueneers; an Army unit comprised of an all-volunteer Puerto Rican Regiment of the United States Army that began in 1899 and participated in World War I, World War II, and the Korean conflict.

This property offers an 18-hole disc golf course that begins inside of the looped walkway and extends along the east side of the lake and reaches into the west corner of the park before ending between the two existing concrete looped walks.


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El Yunque Splash Pad

Featuring over 30 splash pad elements from bubblers to a 250-gallon dump bucket "El Yunque" splash pad is open every day from 9 - 5 pm. The site includes umbrella-covered picnic tables, restrooms, and landscaping.

Community Splash Pad is located at 100 Astor Court in Buenaventura Lakes.



301 Buenaventura Blvd, Kissimmee, FL 34743  View Map

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