Florida PACE Funding Agency

Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Financing
The Florida PACE Funding agency offers both a residential – AllianceNRG Program - and commercial – CounterpointeSRE, PACE financing program. They are simple and effective financing solutions for energy efficiency, resiliency and sustainability improvements to your property. Both programs offer 100% financing of all costs of the improvement, including hard and soft development costs, design, engineering, permits and service contracts. Projects are financed over the useful life of the improvement, up to 30 years, with competitive, fixed long-term interest rates. The rates vary depending on the term. Property owners can apply online or by phone.
For more information about PACE, see the following sections.
Phone: (855) 509-9922
Email (Property Owner): Information@AllianceNRG.com
Email (Contractors): Contractorenrollment@AllianceNRG.com
Website: www.AllianceNRG.com/retail
Phone: (855) 431-4400
Email (Property Owner): Inquiry@CounterpointeSRE.com
Email (Contractors): Contractor@CounterpointeES.com
Website: www.CounterpointeSRE.com
Government Relations
Phone: (855) 431-4400
Email: Gov@CounterpointeES.com
Website: www.FloridaPACE.gov