Principles of Smart Growth
What is Smart Growth?
Smart Growth is a method in which a community can create a balance between livability, economic viability, and environmental sensitivity. The use of Smart Growth principles creates new choices and opportunities for residents.
Strong neighborhoods are created through a mix of uses. In providing a range of housing types and prices, and more business opportunities, better communities are built. Neighborhoods will have better access, so residents have a variety of transportation alternatives. There is the choice to walk, ride a bike, or drive. As development is built in a more efficient manner, there is more opportunity and ability to preserve open space, reuse land, and protect water supplies and air quality. Smart Growth encourages community and stakeholder collaboration in development decisions.
Smart Growth Principles

- Create Range of Housing Opportunities and Choices
- Create Walkable Neighborhoods
- Encourage Community and Stakeholder Collaboration
- Foster Distinctive, Attractive Communities with a Strong Sense of Place
- Make Development Decisions Predictable, Fair and Cost Effective
- Mix Land Uses
- Preserve Open Space, Farmland, Natural Beauty and Critical Environmental Areas
- Provide a Variety of Transportation Choices
- Strengthen and Direct Development Towards Existing Communities
- Take Advantage of Compact Building Design