Executive Team

Learn more about the Executive Team that serves Osceola County.

Beth Anne Knight | Chief Operating Officer

Beth Knight

Beth Knight is the County’s Chief Operating Officer overseeing day to day operations, management of the Office of Management and Budget as well as the Office of Audit and Operational Improvement. The Chief Operating Officer acts on behalf of the County Manager is his absence.

Phone: (407) 742-2385

Donna Renberg | Deputy County Manager

Donna Renberg

Donna is a Deputy County Manager and oversees Procurement, Board Support, Fire and EMS, Corrections, Animal Control and Emergency Management.

Phone: (407) 742-1808

David Tomek | Deputy County Manager

David Tomek


David is a Deputy County Manager and oversees Transportation, Public Works, Community Development, Real Estate, and the Environment and Public Lands Department.

Phone: (407) 742-2009

Amanda Clavijo | Assistant County Manager

Amanda Clavijo

Amanda is an Assistant County Manager and oversees Economic Development, Financial Services, Office of Sustainability, Procurement Services, and supports the development of NeoCity.

Phone: (407) 742-1700

Celestia McCloud | Assistant County Manager

Celestia serves as the Assistant County Manager for Osceola County and oversees Board Support, Communications, Housing and Community Services, Information Technology (IT), and Library Services.

Phone: (407) 742-8400

Bill Litton | Emergency Management Director FPEM, CEM, MEP, NEMAA

Bill LittonBill is the Emergency Management Director and oversees the County’s Emergency Management program and Intergovernmental Communication department.

Phone: (407) 742-9000

Christina Colón, P.E | Transportation & Transit Director

Christina Colon

Christina is Director of Transportation & Transit and oversees the design and construction of new arterial and collector roads in the County.

Phone: (407) 742-0513

Danicka Ransom | Housing & Community Services Director


Danicka oversees the Community Development Block Grant program, Housing Office, Social Services, and Veteran Services.

Phone: (407) 742-8400

Larry Collier | Fire Chief

Larry Collier

Larry is the Fire Chief for Osceola County Department of Fire Rescue and EMS and performs administrative and supervisory work involving the overall management of Fire Department operations and Emergency Services including fire suppression, emergency medical service, codes and fire prevention, training, and budget.

Phone: (407) 742-7000

María A. Colón | Human Resources and Risk Management Director

Maria A Colon

María oversees Employee Benefits, Human Resources, and Risk Management.

Phone: (407) 742-1200

Michael Nichola | Government Affairs Director

Mike Nichola

Michael oversees develops federal, state, and local advocacy platforms, comprehensive legislative affairs strategy and coordinates intergovernmental resources.

Phone: (407) 742-2393

Matthew Fuhrer | Office of Management and Budget Director

Matthew Fuhrer

Matthew oversees the Office of Management of and Budget.

Phone: (407) 742-1800

Mehul J. Parekh | Public Works Director, PE

Mehul Parekh

Mehul oversees the Public Works Department which comprises of Engineering, Facilities, Fleet, and Road & Bridge.

Phone: (407) 742-0699

Raymond Stangle | Community Development Administrator

Raymond Stangle

Raymond oversees Building/Permitting, Code Enforcement, Community Resources, Customer Care, Development Review, GIS, and Planning & Zoning.

Phone: (407) 742-0200

Rebecca Jones | Procurement Services Director

Rebecca Jones

Rebecca oversees the Procurement Services department.

Phone: (407) 742-0900

Richard Van Natta | IT Director

Richard Van Natta

Richard oversees the Information Technology Department.

Phone: (407) 742-5700

Chief Yuberky Almonte | Corrections Chief


Yuberky is the Chief of the Osceola County Corrections Department and oversees Jail Operations and Community Corrections.


Phone: (407) 742-4304