FEMA Floodplain Program

Osceola County began participating in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) in 1982 with the first effective Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) flood map in place.

The main objective of the program is to protect citizens' lives and health; to control the alteration of natural floodplains, and to ensure that potential home buyers are notified if a property is located in a flood hazard area.

FEMA Flood Hazard Maps

The proposed FEMA Flood Hazard Maps are available on the Osceola County Maps website.

Should you experience any problems viewing this information, please call the Community Development Department at (407) 742-0200.

FEMA Floodplain Program Osceola

View the Osceola County Floodplain Management Ordinance 13-36(PDF, 612KB)

National Flood Insurance Act and Its Implications

Under the National Flood Insurance Act, financial institutions under federal oversight must mandate flood insurance for loans related to properties in identified flood-risk areas. This includes home mortgages, improvement loans, construction loans, and commercial loans.

Participation in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)

Participation in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) is a mutual agreement between local communities like Osceola County and the federal government. If a community enforces measures to mitigate future flood risks for new constructions in flood hazard areas, the federal government will provide flood insurance within that community.

Community Rating System (CRS) and Its Benefits

Osceola County also participates in the Community Rating System (CRS), a program by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The CRS rewards communities that exceed the NFIP’s floodplain management requirements. It operates on a point system; more points earned by a community result in greater reductions in flood insurance premiums for its citizens.

Osceola County’s Participation and Achievements in CRS

Osceola County has been participating in the CRS since 1994, achieving a class 6 rating. This means that Osceola County residents with flood insurance receive a 20% discount on policies for Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA) and a 5% discount for Non-Special Flood Hazard Areas (Non-SFHA).