Illicit Discharge
Ordinance for Clean Water
Osceola County has an Illicit Discharge Ordinance #08-28(PDF, 217KB), which is designed to protect the Osceola County natural waterways by prohibiting anything but rainwater to be placed in the stormwater system.
Stormwater System Restrictions
What is allowed in the stormwater system?
- A/C condensation
- De-chlorinated pool water
- Discharge from potable water sources
- Diverted stream flows
- Landscape irrigation
- Lawn watering
- Rising ground water
- Street wash water
- Uncontaminated ground water
- Water line flushing
What is not allowed in the stormwater system by Ordinance #08-28?
- Auto/household chemicals
- Car wash water
- Oil
- Industrial discharges
- Laundry wastewater
- Leaves
- Grass clippings and lawn debris
- Pesticides and fertilizers
- Litter
- Pet waste
- Radiator flush water
- Roadway accident spills
- Sanitary wastewater
- Septic tank effluent
- Chlorinated pool water
Report an Illicit Discharge
Solid Pollution
Contact Solid Waste at (407) 742-7750
Liquid Pollution
Contact Natural Resources at (407) 742-8650
You can help prevent water pollution by following Healthy Habits for Clean Water.