CDBG Emergency Rental Assistance Program

The CDBG Rental Assistance Program provides up to two months' rent for Osceola County residents who are in danger of becoming homeless due to their inability to pay their monthly rent.

How do I apply?

Interested applicants must contact our staff at 407-742-8414 or by email at

Before contacting us, please calculate your current monthly income and total expenses (rent, utilities, car payment, car insurance, gasoline, child care, food, medical, loans, credit card, incidentals, etc.). This information is needed in order to process your application.

What are the requirements?

To be considered for assistance, you must meet all of the following requirements:

  • Qualify as low income (see income table below - at or below 80% of area median income)
  • Provide documentation of a hardship and show recovery from the hardship, future financial management. Examples of hardship are: loss of job, decrease in hours at work, unexpected medical bill or car repair. Examples of future financial management are: new job, second job, substantial increase in hours at work.
  • Provide a copy of the current lease and delinquency letter from landlord.
  • Attend a financial education class (class dates/times will be provided). Applies to all persons 18 years of age or older living in the household.
  • Be an Osceola County resident for at least 6 months of the previous 12 months.
  • Live within Osceola County, but not live within city limits of Kissimmee.
  • Must not have received assistance from any housing-related programs under Osceola County Housing & Community Services, including Section 8, within the past 36 months. Additionally, you must not have received aid from any other Osceola County social service programs, such as Council on Aging, Salvation Army, United Way, Catholic Charities, etc., within the past 12 months.

How much assistance is available for my family?

Depending on funding availability, up to two (2) months’ rent is available.

What if I’m behind on rent by more than two months?

We can assist, but assistance can only be given if it brings you up to date on rent. You’ll need to pay anything over two months’ rent before help is provided. 

Example: If you are five months behind on rent, you must pay three months’ rent first. After that, our assistance can cover the remaining two months to bring you current.

Do I have to pay the money back?

No. The assistance is a grant and there are no recapture term.

Income Guidelines

To be considered, your household income must be at or below Low 80%.

Effective April 2024

Extremely Very
Low 30%
Very Low 50% Low 80% Moderate 120%
1 $20,300 $33,800 $54,050 $81,120
2 $23,200 $38,600 $61,800 $92,640
3 $26,100 $43,450 $69,500 $104,280
4 $31,200 $48,250 $77,200 $115,800
5 $36,580 $52,150 $83,400 $125,160
6 $41,960 $56,000 $89,550 $134,400
7 $47,340 $59,850 $95,750 $143,640
8 $52,720 $63,700 $101,950 $152,880


Housing and Community Services Department


1392 E Vine St.
Kissimmee, FL 34744
Monday – Friday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Closed on holidays