Homeless Services
Financial Housing Assistance (FHA)
The purpose of this program is to assist Osceola County residents at risk of homelessness due to an unexpected financial hardship. The program covers rental and utility arrears, as well as mortgage assistance to prevent foreclosure. The FHA program also serves households experiencing literal homelessness with assistance for security and utility deposits. To qualify you must be an Osceola County resident for a minimum of 6 months and provide documents to support your need upon request. The assistance is a one-time service, and applicants cannot re-apply for 2 years after financial support is provided.
The FHA program accepts pre-applications on the first Monday of each month. Interested applicants should click on the link to complete a pre-application to determine their eligibility for the program. Completing a pre-application does not guarantee assistance.
Click here to apply
Rapid Rehousing – DCF ESG
This program is funded through a partnership with Homeless Services Network of Central Florida (HSN) to aid families with minor children experiencing homelessness that originated in Osceola County. Families are assisted with housing location, short-term rental assistance, utility assistance and case management services to support stable housing. Household must complete a homeless assessment to determine eligibility through the Coordinated Entry System (CES). Families’ income must not exceed 30% of Area Median Income for Osceola County to qualify.
Prevention Assistance – DCF TANF
This program is funded through a partnership with Homeless Services Network of Central Florida (HSN) to aid families with minor children at risk of homelessness in Osceola County with one-time assistance. This program supports self-sufficiency among low-income families. Families’ income must not exceed 200% of the federal poverty guidelines to qualify.